Relationships between Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning and Corporate Education

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Celi Langhi
Denilson de Sousa Cordeiro


Brazilian companies have demanded new skills from their employees. To this end, new models of management, learning and education have been adopted, in order to harmonize the interests of people and their careers with the strategic objectives of corporations. This article aims to identify relationships between knowledge management, organizational learning and corporate education. From the approach of the concepts in academic texts produced on the topics, the subjects were articulated in order to bring greater understanding on the theme. As a result, it was possible to analyze how knowledge is obtained, stored, disseminated and used by companies, which promotes learning in the corporate environment, enabling the planning and implementation of education programs that not only qualify employees, but also help them to exercise leadership in the various working groups of organizations, which brings several benefits to individuals, groups, companies, communities and to society.


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Langhi, C. ., & Cordeiro, D. de S. . (2021). Relationships between Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning and Corporate Education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e055.


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