Implementation of educational actions in health in the waiting room as a strategy for patient adhesion to vaccination in a basic health unit
Main Article Content
The Basic Health Unit (UBS) is the gateway for users and also the communication center with the entire Health Care Network. In the UBS various health services are offered, such as: The National Immunization Program, which contributes to the reduction of morbidity and mortality. Health Education Actions are alternatives for empowering individuals about their health. The objective of this work was to analyze the contribution of educational actions for adherence to vaccination. This is a qualitative study, carried out in a UBS. The activities were carried out in the waiting room with health guidelines on the importance of vaccination. After proposed interventions, 201 users were advised and 80 doses of vaccines were administered. The present study showed positive results, both for the participation of users in the proposed activities and for the adherence of those oriented to undergo immunization.
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