Tutorial Education Program and OBMEP at school: influences on the initial teachin education of future mathematics teachers

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Rafael Peixoto
Vanessa de Paula Cintra
Juliana França Viol Paulin


In this article we analyze relevant aspects about the initial formation of students from a Public University who participate in the Tutorial Education Program (PET), in an extension project entitled “PET Mathematics in OBMEP at school”, which involves actions developed by PET students with the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for Public Schools (OBMEP). This is a qualitative and the data were collected through questionnaires developed with the project participants and were analyzed according to Content Analysis. With the data analysis, we could identify that the experiences of future Mathematics teachers in school, made possible by the joint project between PET and OBMEP, can be characterized as an opportunity to build mathematical knowledge for teaching and knowledge of practice, generated by the third teaching education space.


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Peixoto, R., Cintra, V. de P., & Paulin, J. F. V. (2022). Tutorial Education Program and OBMEP at school: influences on the initial teachin education of future mathematics teachers. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 29(Contínua), e035. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v29a2022-35


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