Calculate with the Rubio Notebooks. Characteristics and evolution since 1959

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Dolores Carrillo Gallego
Pilar Olivares Carrillo
José Francisco Castejón Mochon


The Rubio notebooks are educational materials that have been widely disseminated to schools in Spain since 1959. In this work, the existing collection of notebooks at the Center for Studies on Educational Memory (CEME) of the University of Murcia has been used. The research focuses on Rubio's arithmetic notebooks, studying its characteristics and evolution during the 60 years since its appearance, classifying them into six periods according to its edition. The stability of the arithmetic operations learning practices, the permanence of the contents between epochs 2 to 5, the decrease in the number of proposed operations and the increase in the illustrations have been verified. It has also been verified that, in the renewal of the notebooks, especially commercial aspects and not criteria based on the Didactic of Mathematics have influenced.


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Gallego, D. C. ., Carrillo, P. O. ., & Mochon, J. F. C. . (2021). Calculate with the Rubio Notebooks. Characteristics and evolution since 1959. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e021.


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