The history of education at the Litle Prince Hospital and the continuing training of teachers

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Ana Carolina Venâncio
Itamara Peters
Mariana Saad Weinhardt Costa


This study describes the historical aspects of the education of hospitalized children and adolescents, discussing how this right has been organized and the challenges of teacher training faced in order for the legal exercise to take place and be ephemeus. This is a descriptive qualitative research, which lists by sampling the practices developed and how the right to education of hospitalized children are guaranteed by a philanthropic institution in Curitiba. The research described highlights the aspects of the training of teachers and educators of the Litlle Prince Hospital based on the studies developed during the elaboration of the political pedagogical project of the Education and Culture Sector of the aforementioned hospital and its implementation.


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Venâncio, A. C. ., Peters, I. ., & Costa, M. S. W. . (2021). The history of education at the Litle Prince Hospital and the continuing training of teachers. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e004.


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