(Re)discovering Saussure in Portuguese Language Teaching: literacy practices based on Saussurean signs

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Julio Cesar Machado
Livian Aparecida Corsi Machado


The object of study of this research is drawn in the overlap between the Saussurean theory of the sign and the literacy processes in the Portuguese language class. At this point, we propose our maximus hypotesis: revisiting Saussurean theory, of imperative deepening in Brazil, reflecting it as literacy procedures. We will proceed analytically by an approach of bibliographic methodology, of theoretical and qualitative content: our data, of questioning nature, will be operated supported in two posthumous theoretical works of Saussure: Cours de Linguistique Générale, without precedents of the deep application to the teaching area; and the very recent publication of the Écrits de Linguistique Générale, still unknown or even addressed in the Brazilian pedagogical scenario, and therefore, of imperative reflexive need in the dimensions of Brazilian literacy and literacy. The analytical results point to the effectiveness of Saussurean theory as procedures for literacies in Portuguese language classes, and raise the prospect of other exploratory research in this direction.


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Machado, J. C. ., & Machado, L. A. C. . (2020). (Re)discovering Saussure in Portuguese Language Teaching: literacy practices based on Saussurean signs. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(Especial), 1492–1516. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v27nEa2020-14


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