Dialogues on the curriculum of pre-service mathematics teachers education: students’ narratives

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Cleber Dias da Costa Neto
Victor Giraldo


This paper investigates pre-service mathematics teachers education curricula, from a standpoint of students of this programme at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. We analyze episodes selected from data produced in a discussion group with twelve participants, former and current students of the programme. We seek to answer questions concerning their perceptions on how their practices are constituted by the curriculum, linking these perceptions with the ways through which their actions as students play a role on shaping the curriculum. Our methodology is based on a re-storying process (NARDI, 2016), through which we identify episodes, build and analyze fictional dialogues among characters, under a theoretical frame of narratives (BARBOSA, 2015), teachers education (TARDIF, 2013; NÓVOA, 2009; COCHRAN-SMITH, LYTLE, 1999; MOREIRA, 2012) and curriculum (LOPES, 2013; GABRIEL, 2013; SILVA, 2014). Our analysis reveals participants’ perceptions, consensus and contradictions on the curriculum of the pre-service mathematics teachers’ education programme at the Institution.


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Neto, C. D. da C. ., & Giraldo, V. . (2020). Dialogues on the curriculum of pre-service mathematics teachers education: students’ narratives. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(3), 1029–1054. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v27n3a2020-11
Dossier: Curriculum in Mathematics Education II


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