The theme Art: criteria, possibilities and challenges for the development of themes in the Mathematics Curriculum of High School
Main Article Content
This article is part of the research regarding the doctoral thesis “Themes for the Mathematics Curriculum of High School” which aims to contribute to the discussion of the selection of themes to be inserted in the Curriculum. The objective of this article is to highlight the contributions of the theme Art, with the use of GeoGebra software, in the construction and /or revision of mathematical concepts related to Spatial Geometry. The methodology used was based on a qualitative approach, in which sought to understand the phenomena that occur in the context of the classroom, when you work with this thematic. An experiment was applied with 21 students from the 1st year of High School, in the municipality of Caxias do Sul. The analyzes of the collected data indicate that to develop activities with the theme Art together with computational resources, may potentiate the teaching and learning process of Mathematics, Providing the student to relate mathematical knowledge with others subjects. In this sense, it is considered important to seek/develop didactic activities related to themes that favor the process of teaching and learning Mathematics, allowing students to establish relationships between theory and practice.
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