Curriculum and Mathematical Education: What a Group of Graduate Students Think
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This article aims to understand how postgraduate students in Mathematics Education perceive the curriculum, in the context of the curriculum itself and in its relations with Mathematical Education. This is a qualitative research, with the participation of 26 master's students in Mathematical Education from a public university in southern Bahia. In the Mathematics, Curriculum and Cultural Diversity course, students wrote about what they thought about the Mathematics curriculum and curriculum. As data analysis method, the Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD) was used. The results indicate that students perceive the curriculum in three different ways: as document / parameters; as content; and how to know and develop skills and abilities. Concerning the Mathematics curriculum, they express the idea of an abstract area, with little or no relation to reality, suggesting a traditional theory in which little priority is given to diversity and / or interdisciplinarity.
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