Knowledge mobilized by teachers when interacting with Mathematics curriculum materials

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Katia Lima
Ana Lucia Manrique


In this article, our focus of analysis refers to the teaching resources, for which we aimed to identify knowledge mobilized by teachers who teach math when interacting with curriculum materials. To this end, we propose the following question: What kind of knowledge are mobilized by teachers from the different types of uses that they make of the curriculum materials? Taking as theoretical contributions the studies about the teacher-curriculum material relationship and the Didactic-Mathematical Knowledge model of the teacher, we did a meta-analysis of the report of a research project that had as purpose understand how teachers of a public school system evaluated mathematics curriculum materials. The results show that teachers reproduce, adapt and improvise when using curriculum materials in the real classroom situations, and mobilize their knowledge mainly referring to the epistemic and cognitive categories of Didactic-Mathematical Knowledge.


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How to Cite
Lima, K. ., & Manrique, A. L. . (2020). Knowledge mobilized by teachers when interacting with Mathematics curriculum materials. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(3), 783–811.
Dossier: Curriculum in Mathematics Education II


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