Educational Trajectory: From Classical Culture to Reflections on School Contemporaryty
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This article aims to make a reflection on the school, starting from classical Greece, looking at other historical times and their influences in the contemporaneity based on authors suck as Ariès (1981), Carvalho (2014), Châtelet (1994), Comenius (2006), Donzelot (1980), Dussel (2017) among others. Based on the thinking and philosophy of Michel Foucault (2012; 2016), we can reflect on and seek ways to escape from historical determinismo, raising questions about authorities, social references and organizations that are established in order to denounce the impositions and the forms of exclusion, with a view to the possibility of considering to transform the contemporary school into a dynamic space. The school institution must think and rethink strategies aimed at changes in the relations of forces, in an art of misgovernment, deinstitutionalizing itself in a movement of conter power, considering the subjects that are inserted in it.
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