Epistemology, Curriculum and Continuing Education of Science Teachers
Main Article Content
This work deals with research developed during a process of continuous training of science teachers (Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Basic Education Sciences) in a public university. It consists of narrative research through which one seeks to understand relationships between epistemological reflection and teacher training. It was sought, in particular, to investigate what types of reflections the subject-teachers construct from the introduction of discussions about the process of production, validation and social appropriation of scientific knowledge and the relationships they establish with their stories of personal and professional training and performance . The analysis of the set of produced materials indicates that the recursive action of memory, stimulated from epistemological discussions in the present, has potentiated teacher reflections in four main dimensions: Ethical-political; Curricular, Methodological and Affective, the discussion undertaken in this article refers to the curricular dimension.
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The published works are the property of their authors, who may make use of them for subsequent publications, always including the original edition (original title, Ensino em Re-Vista, volume, number, pages). All articles in this journal are the sole responsibility of their authors, and no legal responsibility for their content rests with the Journal or EDUFU.
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