Constellations of a pedagogical praxis: the sensible, language, childhood and memory (presences of Walter Benjamin) in teacher education

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Dilson Miklos


Language, art, childhood and memory are some of the concepts that the essay presents from the perspective of Walter Benjamin who accompanies us in writing, in order to extract statements from a context focused on teacher education. In this course are presented two concepts that emerge from the teaching research, namely: poetic praxis and narrativimagem. The field of the sensible is the locus where this set of knowledge that communicates poetically and which aims to reflect on the curriculum and other pedagogical practices emerges. Still, there is the effort, in the company of the Berlin philosopher, to understand the process of formation from a less totalizing and definitive perspective.


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Miklos, D. . (2020). Constellations of a pedagogical praxis: the sensible, language, childhood and memory (presences of Walter Benjamin) in teacher education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(1), 228–252.
Dossiê O caminho se faz caminhando: formação docente no fazer e refazer


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