The profile and the teacher training in the degree course in Geography in a public university of Paraná
Main Article Content
The present research is the result of an exploratory study about a degree in Geography offered at a public university in the State of Paraná. It aimed to understand the profile and the training of the academics of said course. A review research was developed with references that address teacher training. A review research was developed with references that address teacher training. In the sequence, a data collection instrument was developed, as well as its application to academics. Specific objectives were proposed: (1) to discuss teacher education and geographic science; (2) understand the course of Geography investigated and the profile of the academics; (3) understand the training in Geography and the academic perspectives of future teachers. Among the main results, the respondents point out the need for an academic training that is, in fact, aimed at teaching, considering the challenges in being in the classroom and the absence of a training that prepares them for it.
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