Five types of historical intercultural narratives in the currículum

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Sebastián Plá


In this pedagogical and theoretical essay, I present a typology of five types of historical narrative and interculturality in the curriculum in Latina America. The five types are a) the nationalist monoculturalism, b) Universal history or the erudite multiculturalism, c) the liberal multiculturalist history, d) intercultural historical consciousness and e) critical and decolonial narratives. In the first part of the essay, I include some theoretical issues about historical narrative and interculturality, in the second I describe one by one of the five types of historical narratives and finally, I write about the relationship between historical narrative, interculturality, and curricular justice.


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Plá , S. (2019). Five types of historical intercultural narratives in the currículum. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(Especial), 958–984.


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