The practice of telling stories of teachers childhood education

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Maria Irene Miranda
Valéria Silva


This article deals with a field research carried out with four teachers of the municipal education network in the segment of early childhood education that tell stories. The storytelling, a primordial component of the literary universe, is present in this context. The objective of this work was to know the conceptions of storytelling of these teachers, to analyze how literature is taken to schools, how they use and choose works; and also, to identify interfaces between this practice and reality and students. I present the outline of the research, pointing out the findings and results achieved defined by two thematic axes that highlight the conceptions and choices of the teachers regarding the storytelling, as well as the interfaces with the reality and the demands of the students; I discover through the research some ambiguities committed by the teachers in approaching the stories.


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How to Cite
Miranda, M. I. ., & Silva, V. . (2019). The practice of telling stories of teachers childhood education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(3), 745–762.


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