Reform of Secondary School in Brazil and the world crisis of education: a reflexive analysis about the flexibilization of the humanities in basic education

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Altair Alberto Fávero
Daiane Rodrigues Costa
Junior Bufon Centenaro


The present article discusses the reform of secondary education in Brazil (Law 13.415 / 2017), whose scope is to point out its limitations insofar as it neglects basic aspects of human, integral and democratic formation by assuming a mercantilist and technicist bias. For this, we base ourselves on the reflections of Martha Nussbaum, who points out the risks that the countries are running when prioritizing only lucrative aspects in the education of the citizens. Our study seeks to answer the following question satisfactorily: to what extent does the new secondary school represent a turning point for a mercantilist bias in education? Based on bibliographical and documentary research, with an analytical-hermeneutical character, we hypothesize that the "new secondary school", by relativizing the arts and humanities, among them philosophy, weakens the process of integral formation of the subject.


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How to Cite
Fávero, A. A. ., Costa, D. R. ., & Centenaro, J. B. . (2019). Reform of Secondary School in Brazil and the world crisis of education: a reflexive analysis about the flexibilization of the humanities in basic education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(3), 656–676.


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