Writing letters: sexuality in life and in the teaching of Biology

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Marco Antonio Leandro Barzano
John Erliton Simão dos Santos


It’s an article-letter or a letter-article. A proposal that we have placed in our research group -RIZOMA -to try to insubordinate the ways of researching, thinking, writing, creating, interpreting, dialoguing, experiencing. Since 2015 our group has been studying Narratives and a dissertation was our first experience for dissemination that we intend to present here in the form of article-letter-article. Inspired in the poststructuralist perspective, we intend to expose not only the extract of the dissertation, a piece of a chapter. In the present text we bring what has moved our thoughts during the development of the research, that is, the scribbles, the silences, the doubts, the emotion, the affection, the hardness, the inconsistency, the power and so on ... -Letter-article is the result of what two researchers -guiding and guiding -lived, built for two years of master's research work, but also, in post-defense continuity, two years later, during group meetings of research.


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How to Cite
Barzano, M. A. L. ., & Santos, J. E. S. dos . (2019). Writing letters: sexuality in life and in the teaching of Biology. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(1), 100–120. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v26n1a2019-5
Dossiê Educação em Ciências, relações de gênero e sexualidades: velhos conflitos


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