Methods of Teaching and Child's Development: Together or Separately? Historical and cultural psycho-pedagogy

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Yulia Solovieva
Luis Quintanar Rojas


The article presents discussion about three basicapproaches for teaching. These approaches are: traditional teaching, interactive school and historical and cultural approach. The objectives and methods of the three approach are contrasted in the article. The differences between types of concepts (empirical and scientific) are discussed together with the ways of their formation within traditional approach and historical and cultural approach. An example of introduction of scientific concepts is presented in relation to the methods of teaching of Reading in primary school. The authors discuss the necessity of usage of modern knowledge within psychology and pedagogy for the benefit of educational system.


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How to Cite
Solovieva, Y., & Rojas, L. Q. (2017). Methods of Teaching and Child’s Development: Together or Separately? Historical and cultural psycho-pedagogy. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 1(1), 553–566.


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