Reflections about the schooling of a student listener fathers son deaf - an initial discussion of Codas
Main Article Content
This work deals with the theme of the hearing subjects and children of deaf parents, who have been denominated as Children of Deaf Adults (Codas). The objective was to analyze the process of schooling and communicative interaction of a Coda child, enrolled in a municipal day care center. A qualitative approach was adopted and the methodology of the case study was used. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were carried out with the teachers and the coordinator who worked or had already worked with this child, in the years 2014 and 2015. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed, using also collaborative observations In the group where he studied the child and in the records in the field diary. It was concluded that the child faces communicative difficulties and social interaction in the context of the educational institution, being sometimes confused with a child with disabilities, in addition to suffering the negative consequences of the institution's inability to establish communication with their deaf parents.
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