A formação de professores em Pedagogia na região do Pontal do Triângulo Mineiro após a LDB 9394/96 /The teacher training in Pedagogy in Pontal do Triangulo Mineiro after LDB 9394/96

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Armindo Quillici Neto
Sônia Aparecida Siquelli
Jaqueline Andrade Calixto


The present study is the result of a research about the pedagogue education who acts as a teacher of Early Childhood and Elementary School Education (1st to 4th grades), held in three cities in the Region of Pontal do Triangulo Mineiro. Questionnaires were applied and tabulated the data in which it was found the indices to the teacher education, the time of the education, an assessment on the progress that has been done in Higher Education and their contribution to their training. It was found that the teachers still have good impressions about their training but revealed some uncertainty as regarding the application of what they have taught their students in university.  The objective  of this Article is to establish a debate about the teachers training of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education, with a view to the training in Pedagogy Course. The formation of the Pedagogue has achieved its objectives? The text goes back to the issues about the teaching in the field of teacher education subjects relating to the History of Education and Philosophy of Education, pointing to issues of educational thinking in certain periods of Brazilian education itself. The concerns that motivated this research arise from questions about the investigations and indications of the LDB 1996, which proposed rethinking the place of teacher training in Brazil. The results in the research have left a key question: are the teachers satisfied with the training held in Pedagogy Courses? The majority says yes, but significant proportion of interviewees have chosen intermediate responses, answers that put the current training in doubt, signaling the need to rethink the model of teacher training in Brazil.


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How to Cite
Quillici Neto, A. ., Siquelli, S. A., & Calixto, J. A. (2016). A formação de professores em Pedagogia na região do Pontal do Triângulo Mineiro após a LDB 9394/96 /The teacher training in Pedagogy in Pontal do Triangulo Mineiro after LDB 9394/96. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 22(2), 377–390. https://doi.org/10.14393/10.14393/ER-v22n2a2015-9


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