ENSINO EM RE-VISTA is a scientific journal from the Graduation Program in Education from the College of Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), aimed at researchers, teachers and students in the Education area. It publishes articles that range from research results and original essays, book reviews and translations. It receives texts at any time of the year written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It also publishes thematic dossiers, organized by researchers of subject areas, with articles from guest specialists, Brazilians and foreigners, covering up-to-date topics of interest and discussion from various areas of Education.

  • Qualis/Capes: B2 
  • Knowledge area: Human Sciences - Education
  • Year of establishment: 1992
  • E-ISSN: 1983-1730 (electronic version)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.14393/ER
  • E-mail: ensinoemrevista@gmail.com
  • Unit: College of Education / Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) -  Campus Santa Mônica,  room 108. 
  • Funding: Federal University of Uberlândia
  • Publisher: Federal University of Uberlândia

Frequency: Continuous publication


The journal ENSINO EM RE-VISTA is dedicated to the publication of scientific papers relating to the pedagogical processes at different areas of education, times and educational spaces as a form of effecting the debate and reflection and to promote the national and international development of scientific research.



The magazine has a group of renowned experts in the thematic areas of Education. The original articles will be submitted to the approval of referees who are recognized specialists in the topics covered. The work will be sent for evaluation without identifying the authors. The originals will be immediately sent to referees. The selection process involves the evaluation of articles of two or three ad hoc experts and members of the Editorial Board. The estimated time for evaluating a publishing the papers is 12 months.

The original papers received go through four steps: 1) Plagiarism and self-plagiarism control check. 2) Prior evaluation by the Editorial Board. 3) Evaluation process by ad hoc referees who issue a review about the merit of the text. 4) Final resolution: the issued reviews are analyzed by the Editorial Board, which will make a consolidated review.

The authors receive a notice from the journal stating whether their text was accepted in its entirety, rejected, or if it needs changes for publication. The Editorial Board may refuse articles that do not adequately meet the requests submitted.

In order to verify if the articles submitted to the journal had the approval of the Ethics Committee, the opinion issued by the Committee will be requested, when necessary.


Google Scholar - Ensino em Re-Vista







This magazine uses the LOCKSS system in order to build an archive system distributed among the participating libraries and allows them to create permanent files from the magazine for preservation and restoration.



Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services - Cariniana



All texts submitted to the scientific journal Ensino em Re-Vista are scrutinized  in order to prevent plagiarism through the CopySpider software (https://copyspider.com.br/main/pt-br). When plagiarism is confirmed, the text is refused. Self-plagiarism tolerance is up to 30%, excluding quotations and references from this percentage.


This magazine offers free instant access to its content, following the idea that making free scientific knowledge available to the public provides a greater world-wide democratization of knowledge. The magazine allows reading, downloading, distributing, printing and sharing articles through links, as long as it always includes the original reference of the publication, it doesn't change them in any way or use them commercially.



The journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), a free open source system for journal administration and publishing, developed with support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Projectunder the GNU General Public License.



2022 - Artigos avaliados pelos pares (152)

2021 - Artigos avaliados pelos pares (139)

2020 - Artigos avaliados pelos pares (131)

2019 - Artigos avaliados pelos pares (120)

2018 - Artigos avaliados pelos pares (105)

2017 - Artigos avaliados pelos pares (98)