Affections in professional choice: the perception of young people in secondary education

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Kalyne Jeuken Teixeira
Elvira Cristina Martins Tassoni


The experiences of young people at different times in their lives have a significant influence on their career choices. The aim of this study was to investigate indications related to the ways in which teachers and family affect students in the third year of secondary school in their career choices. The empirical material was produced by a questionnaire answered by 289 third-year high school students enrolled in 10 schools located in four cities in the state of São Paulo. Cross-referencing the answers enabled quantitative and qualitative analysis, using closed and open answers. The results showed that the ways in which teachers and families affect career choices are different. While the former affect career choices through teaching, their mastery of knowledge and their supportive and explanatory attitudes, the family's expectations of success, remuneration and the relationship they have with their profession stand out.

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How to Cite

Affections in professional choice: the perception of young people in secondary education. (2024). Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1-24.


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