Children and literature: multiple enchantments
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The literary reading is essential to and in the human formation, when reading the individual interacts not only with the written word, but with other experiences, and so, reading drives to the encounter with others and with himself. This paper is about a qualitative research, of ethnographic type, developed in a public school in the Municipal Education Network in the city of Rio Claro/SP. This research had as objective the analysis of the ways to address children and youth's literature in a classroom. In this article we share our experience going along the work of a teacher of the 5th year,who developed with the group, everyday, a moment of literary reading. The observations of this practice made it possible to realize the commitment of the educator with the formation of the readers and how literature has become part of everyday practices of those children. The analysis of these observations is sustained in the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989).
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