The periodical Cadernos de História da Educação adopted the modality of continuous publication in 2021 and publishes approximately forty-five articles per year. The authors are Brazilian and international researchers in the area of History of Education affiliated with different university institutions in Brazil and abroad. The periodical is classified on level A2 of Qualis/Capes (2017-2020). Proposals are received continuously, and original submissions may be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, and Italian, with a specific focus on the area of History of Education. The content published in the periodical is mainly of interest to Brazilian and international scholars and researchers linked to the theme of History of Education, but also to all those concerned with advances in knowledge in the sphere of Human Sciences. The periodical does not charge authors any fee for submission, processing, and publication of articles.

ISSN: 1982-7806 (On Line)

Vol. 23 (2024): Publicação Contínua

Vista externa da Escola Normal de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil (s/d) - Phot. Gines Gea Ribera - Arquivo Público Mineiro (APM) - SA-2-001(04).

Published: 2024-01-23

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