As lutas indígenas pelo direito à terra e pelo território na Amazônia

INDIGENOUS STRUGGLE FOR THE RIGHT TO EARTH AND FOR TERRITORY IN AMAZON: An analysis based on public letters from indigenous peoples in conflict situations


  • Clara Maria Ribeiro Consort Fortunato Mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal Fluminense



The purpose of this article is to present results of the research done as a final course assignment in getting graduated in Geography from the collection, selection and analysis of public letters from the indigenous people in conflict situation written in 2007-2013 in the Legal Amazon region. Our goal is to identify and analyse in which way the indigenous fight and resistance repertorys in the Amazon can be expressed by the public letters directed, mainly, to the institutional and governmental authorities. We pretend to analyze what is the relation between the distinct contexts of social conflicts expressed in these documents; the built strategies and the articulation set done by indigenous demands for the production of a scale policy based on the circulation of these letters. We are interested in understanding which way the letters express the affirmation of territoriality and valuation of indigenous identities as well as the processes of articulation and consolidation of alliances between distincts etnics groups in search for recognition, guarantees and effectiveness rights. We seek from this research deepen understanding the indigenous fights, stand out another ways to relate with nature, other conceptions of development and future expectations.


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How to Cite

FORTUNATO, C. M. R. C. . As lutas indígenas pelo direito à terra e pelo território na Amazônia: INDIGENOUS STRUGGLE FOR THE RIGHT TO EARTH AND FOR TERRITORY IN AMAZON: An analysis based on public letters from indigenous peoples in conflict situations. Revista Campo-Território, Uberlândia, v. 15, n. 39 Dez., p. 117–144, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/RCT153908. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Políticas Públicas e Povos do Campo