Development to non-involvement
life dynamics and resistance in the rural world Norte Mineiro, the case of the Comunidade do Touro
This article aimes to understand the dynamics that involve the incentives to cotton monoculture as a policy of "development" and the migratory and resistance processes, based on research in Comunidade do Touro, in Serranópolis de Minas. We propose a reflection through the research results of this author, in her dissertation “A PRECISÃO FAZ IR LONGE”: Migração e Des-envolvimento em Comunidade Rural do Sertão Norte Mineiro. We analyze the representations about the rural world Norte Mineiro, describing it as a place of diversity, questioning the developmental public policies that established unifying visions and actions, causing criticism of the category of development. Within this context we describe the trajectories of Touro migrants, who lived the promise of progress with the arrival of cotton monoculture. We conduct research literature and field, with an emphasis on qualitative methodology through in-depth interviews, observation of daily life and photographs of people and the place, focusing on the experience and perceptions of residents. There is a discursive construction the Norte de Minas and within this process the exit of the place is pointed as an alternative for the improvement of life, or the only way to live. We realize, however, that policies aimed at the development and overcoming such obstacles to progress have become ineffective and divisive, without considering the diversity and plurality of rural peoples. We had as a result the stimulus to population displacements, where migration proved to be one of the ways to resist expropriation and continue the struggle for territory.