


Urban growth., Spatial planning., Urban legal instruments., Real estate speculation.


The objective of this study is to adapt the calculations of the Pasture Degradation Index (GDI) to the Brazilian savannah using medium spatial resolution satellite image for the dry season. Vegetation cover is the main evaluation parameter used to calculate the GDI. The extreme ranges of the grazing class were determined by the NDVI histogram of a single date. Pasture cover was distinguished into five classes called Vegetable Pasture Cover (GVC), derived from NDVI and compared with five other classes derived from field photographs, named Green Coverage Percentage (GCP). The similarity between GVC and GVP demonstrated that GVC can be used to classify pasture cover. As a product of GVC, GDI was obtained. The GDI showed that pasture degradation in Paraíso das Águas is very serious. Extremely severe and Severe degradation occupy 9.28% and 25.22% of the study area, moderate and light degradation of pasture occupy 8.29% and 4.50%, respectively, and the non-degradation area covers 1.43 % of pastures. The results suggest the possibility of applying the GDI, originally developed for natural fields and multitemporal remote sensing data, to evaluate the conditions of the tropical savanna planted fields by means of a unique image.


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Author Biographies

Jaiza Santos Motta, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Master in Natural Resources from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (2019), he developed his dissertation on Geotechnologies in the Analysis of the Level of Pasture Degradation as a FUNDECT grantee, also collaborated with research and publications of graduate students of the institution. Graduated in Environmental Engineering, and her Course Completion Work compared the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the Soil Stability to Erosion Model (MES), she was also a PIBIC scholarship holder by CNPq (2015/2016), developing the Work Plan entitled Spatial Dynamic Modeling of Miranda-Abobral Soil Coverage, Sub-region of the Pantanal. He also developed unpaid internships at the Environmental Quality Laboratories (FAENG) and Geoprocessing for Environmental Applications (FAENG). She was a monitor of the subjects of Mathematics in High School I, Vectors and Analytical Geometry, Geoprocessing I, Remote Sensing and Photointerpretation, in addition to Geography and Geology of the Pantanal Basin. Acts as a Volunteer Teacher in the Geography and Architecture and Urbanism courses at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Geography of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), in addition to acting as an ad hoc Environmental Expert for the Public Ministry of the State of Mato Grosso do south. He has experience in Geoprocessing, Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Environmental Modeling, Environmental Licensing and Environmental Expertise.

César Claudio Cáceres Encina, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Graduated in Biological Sciences (2012) and Master in Plant Biology (2015) from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Works at the Geoprocessing Laboratory for Environmental Applications at UFMS (Federal University of Mato Grosso of the Sul). He has experience in Botany and Geoprocessing with an emphasis on Environmental Analysis of Hydrographic Basins.

Eliane Guaraldo, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Associate Professor Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Graduation, Master and Doctorate USP Environmental Structures Urban. Post Doctorate in Urban Management at PUC Campinas. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources. He was coordinator of Undergraduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism 2013-2014, of Specialization Contemporary Approach in Architecture and in the City 2016; Professor of Specialization at FAU-USP (1989-1991); coordinator of the Landscape Laboratory. Leader of the ARBOREA Research Group Arborization, Natural Resources and Sustainability. Brazilian Society of Urban Arborization SBAU. Member of the International Society of Arboriculture ISA. Member of CBCN (Brazilian Committee for Certification and Standardization in Urban Forestation). Teaching, research and projects in the area of Urbanism, Landscaping, Landscape Planning and Urban Forestry.

Ariadne Barbosa Gonçalves, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Graduated in Biological Sciences (2012), Master in Biotechnology (2015) and PhD in Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Sustainability (2018) from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB. He holds a Law degree (2018) from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS. He was featured in Scientific Initiation in the PIBIC 2011-2012 cycle at UCDB. She was awarded the Uriel Franco Rocha award by the Brazilian College of Veterinary Parasitology in 2016, for best work in the area of ​​Entomology. Part of her doctorate was done in the United States, at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, School of Natural Resources (SRN) department in 2017. She participated in the Tsinghua-Santander World Challenges of 21st Century program in Beijing in 2018. She was vice coordinator of the project "Development of a Computer Vision Based System to Identify, Count and Track Pollen Grains" developed between 2016-2018. He is interested in the areas of Pollination, Beekeeping, Meliponiculture, Palynology, Melissopalinogy, Agriculture, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Thermography, Geotechnologies, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Science, Law, Sustainable Buildings and others.

Roberto Macedo Gamarra, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Graduation in Biological Sciences Bachelor's Degree (2004), Bachelor's Degree (2005), Master's Degree (2008) and Doctorate (2013) in Ecology and Conservation and Laboratory Technician, all from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. He has experience in Geoprocessing and Landscape Ecology . Google Scholar Profile

Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

He is Full Professor at UFMS. Geologist from UFPR (1991), holds a Master's (1996) and Doctorate (2000) in Environmental Geology from UFPR - CAPES Scholarship of Sandwich Doctorate at the University of Siena (Italy, in Geographic Information Systems and Digital Cartography). He developed his Post-Doctorate internship at the IGc at USP (2011 - PDS-CNPq fellow) where he also obtained his Free Teaching in 2015. He is a Master and Doctoral advisor. Currently coordinates LabGis - Laboratory of Geoprocessing for Environmental Applications at FAENG-UFMS. He works and has worked in collegiate postgraduate programs, as well as undergraduate, in addition to having worked in university administration (Coordination of Institutional PIBIC. Research Coordinator of PROPP-UFMS, among others). He has worked as an ad hoc consultant for CNPq, CAPES, FAPs and several scientific journals. He has experience in Geotechnologies applied to Geosciences, Health and the Environment, with an emphasis on Environmental Geology. Google Scholar profile: -




How to Cite

MOTTA, J. S.; ENCINA, C. C. C. .; GUARALDO, E.; GONÇALVES, A. B. .; GAMARRA, R. M. .; PARANHOS FILHO, A. C. . ANALYSIS OF THE DEGREE OF GRASSLAND DEGRADATION USING REMOTE SENSING. Caminhos de Geografia, Uberlândia, v. 22, n. 80, p. 201–219, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/RCG228054817. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


