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Author Guidelines

                                               SUBMISSION STANDARDS (UPDATED IN FEBRUARY 2024)

1. Original articles resulting from scientific research of an empirical, experimental, or conceptual nature in the area of Geography and related areas are published (as long as they are, in essence, related to Geographic Science). Submissions are accepted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. No review articles or bibliometric studies are published.

              1.1. In the case of research originating from master’s dissertations and doctoral theses, the text must be suitable for language consistent with a scientific article. Authors must indicate in the manuscript that the work is the result of a thesis or dissertation. Manuscripts that do not meet this criterion will also be returned to the authors for adjustments and a new submission.

2. Submissions to Revista Caminhos de Geografia are exclusively online, except for exceptional occasions; they occur in a continuous flow through the address: Online Submissions.

3. All articles submitted must have at least 1 (one) author with a PhD title.

4.Authors who have submissions in progresswill only be able to make a new submissionafter receiving the final decision (accept or reject) of those which are already in the editorial process at the journal.

5. Articles written in English or Spanish must be translated/reviewed by a qualified professional, if the authors’ native language is not English or Spanish, respectively. The translation/review statement must be submitted in a separate file during the submission process. The translation/review statement must include documentation proving the translator's qualifications, which may be the invoice with CNPJ from the translation company, registration with a class council, CV, and/or translator's diploma. Certificates of proficiency in a foreign language are not accepted.

6. The authors are aware that works involving companies, public bodies, and human beings must mention authorization for disclosure by those involved or approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution in which the work was carried out.

7. With regard to software, regulation is carried out mainly through Law 9609/98, the “Software Law”, which incorporates the TRIPS understanding that computer programs must be protected in the same way as literary works, that is, they are subject to copyright. Therefore, the protections to copyright by Law 9610/98 also apply to software, but with some differences. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the authors to use it in articles submitted to the journal.

8. The author responsible for the submission process must correctly fill in the metadata with information from all authors. If you do not have a registration in the journal’s system, the author who will submit the work must register in it. Do not forget to check the "Author" option in the last field of the registration form, as only with this option checked will you be able to make submissions.

ATTENTION! The email registered in the journal’s system to make the submission must be the same as the one entered when filling out the metadata, as it will be through the email registered in the system that the author responsible for the submission will receive all information and communication from the journal. If the emails differ (registration and metadata), the authors will not receive the emails sent by the journal regarding the submitted article.

Through the author's account, the person responsible for submitting the manuscript will also be able to follow the evaluation process. We emphasize that, if the article is accepted for publication, the data entered in the metadata will be used to obtain the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and such information is the sole responsibility of the authors. Under no circumstances will authors be added or removed after the submission has been accepted.

To correctly fill in the metadata with author information, follow these steps:

              8.1. When starting to submit articles, in “1 start”, and “2 manuscript transfer”, follow the instructions available in the journal system.

              8.2. In the option “3 submission details”, you must enter the name of the authors. The name of the author making the submission will already be in the "List of co-authors”.

                            8.2.1. Click the arrow to the left of the author’s name and click "Edit".

                            8.2.2. A new window containing the author's data will open.

                            8.2.3. Check that the information was entered correctly, it is mandatory to fill in the following fields:

  • full name
  • email
  • country
  • ORCID iD
  • scientific institution/affiliation (in full and without acronyms)
  • summary of the biography (must contain information regarding academic qualifications (undergraduate, master's, doctorate, etc.))

              8.3. If it is necessary to add the name of other authors, in the "List of Co-authors", click on “Add co-author” and insert the name of the other authors and their respective data.

9. When submitting, authors must upload the following documents:

              9.1. Article text

The manuscript must be sent in a document compatible with Microsoft Word, following all the guidelines in the Formatting Instructions available here or in the navigation menu. Manuscripts must contain a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 pages, considering their entire content. In order to guarantee the impersonality of the evaluation process, in the document submitted to Caminhos de Geografia, authors must not include in the manuscript any information that allows reviewers to identify them, such as names of authors or collaborators, authorship of illustrations prepared by themselves or collaborators, illustrations in which the authors or collaborators appear, names of the laboratories, departments, and institutions to which they are linked, titles of research projects, funding code numbers from funding agencies. All this data should only be inserted into the manuscript after its evaluation and acceptance when the editors request corrections to the article for publication.

Revista Caminhos de Geografia does not publish Supplementary Material, therefore, all relevant content for understanding the research must be in the text of the manuscript.

              9.2. Cover letter

Authors must present all requested data in the model available here or in the navigation menu.

              9.3. Statement of foreign language translation/review (required only for articles written in English or Spanish)

The translation/review statement must be submitted in a separate file during the submission process. The translation/review statement must include documentation proving the translator's qualifications, which may be the invoice with CNPJ from the translation company, registration with a class council, CV, and/or translator's diploma. Certificates of proficiency in a foreign language are not accepted.

The formatting of articles following the standards of Revista Caminhos de Geografia and compliance with all guidelines is the sole responsibility of the authors and failure to comply with any of the required points may constitute grounds for rejection of the manuscript.

                                                                                                    PLAGIARISM ANALYSIS

Manuscripts sent for publication will undergo technical review for plagiarism check on the platform Plagius - Plagiarism Detector 2.4.6. The editorial board checks the data. In the case of plagiarism, one paragraph without proper citation is enough for the article to be returned to the author, indicating the problem. In the case of self-plagiarism, the maximum allowed is 10% of the text. Above that, the manuscript is returned, indicating the problem. At this stage, authors have the chance to make the necessary changes and resubmit the article for consideration by the Journal.

Cases of plagiarism reported to the Journal after the publication of articles will be analyzed by the Editorial Committee and, if the complaint is confirmed, the article will be removed from the Journal immediately. Penalties may also be applied to authors.

Authors must read the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines on ethical principles in scientific publishing.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article must be formatted according to the guidelines in the Formatting Instructions available here or in the navigation menu and the Guidelines for Authors.
  • Must follow the journal's Guidelines for Authors .
  • Authors declare the article is original, the result of research of an empirical, experimental, or conceptual nature on topics pertinent to Geography, and that it has not been published in any other journal, book, or event annals.
  • Authors are aware of the obligation to send the Cover Letter (for all manuscripts) and the translation/review statement (for manuscripts in a foreign language).
  • Authors are aware that the article must contain at least 1 (one) author with the title of PhD.
  • Authors are aware that works involving companies, public bodies, and human beings must mention authorization for disclosure by those involved or approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution in which the work was carried out.
  • Authors must submit the manuscript without any possibility of identification by reviewers so that blind evaluation is ensured. The author’s name must be removed using the "Document Properties" option in the "File" menu in Microsoft Word.
  • The authors declare that the manuscript appropriately uses citation rules, avoiding what could be considered academic plagiarism. Furthermore, the authors are aware that plagiarism constitutes a crime against intellectual property (Law 10.695, of July 1, 2003).
  • All authors of the manuscript are included in the submission metadata, with their respective information, names without abbreviations, email, professional activity, and/or academic background (information regarding academic degrees is mandatory), including the ORCiD iD.
  • Authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding publication in this journal.
  • Authors are aware that the information provided is their responsibility and that failure to comply with the journal's guidelines and rules may constitute grounds for rejection of the manuscript.
  • Authors agree to the Copyright Declaration.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses on this website will be used solely for the purposes of journal, not being available for other purposes.