Psicologia Histórico Cultural no Ensino Superior: tecendo contribuições Apresentação

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Camila Trindade
Nilza Sanches Tessaro Leonardo
Adriana de Fátima Franco


From the 1960s onwards, considering the University Reform, it is possible to observe in Brazil the intensification of the movement for the construction of higher education that was aligned with the issues of the national development. Such development, according to Fávero (2006), was based on the perspective of economic expansion, via the industrialization process. In this sense, formal education in general, especially higher education, both in terms of its structure and content, is increasingly being discussed by government sectors. It should also be added the fact that student mobilization, especially in 1968, played an important role in questioning the contradictions constituted in the context of higher education (FÁVERO, 2006).


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Как цитировать
Trindade, C., Leonardo, N. S. T., & Franco, A. de F. (2024). Psicologia Histórico Cultural no Ensino Superior: tecendo contribuições: Apresentação . Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–6.
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Библиографические ссылки

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