The Historical Movement of the Contributions of Grassmann's Extension Theory to Linear Algebra

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Julia Santana Garcia Borges
Aline Mota de Mesquita Assis
Márcio Dias de Lima


Hermann Grassmann, a 19th-century German scholar, pioneered the foundations of Linear Algebra, a mathematical discipline crucial for diverse fields like Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics. This article endeavours to present a comprehensive biography of Grassmann, emphasizing two works documenting his contributions to this domain. Employing bibliographic research coupled with qualitative data analysis grounded in the logical-historical movement of the object, the study enables a historical, cultural, and social examination. Addressing the central question — what were Grassmann's contributions to the evolution of Linear Algebra, positioning him as its creator? — the inquiry concludes that Grassmann introduced notions integral to contemporary Linear Algebra, including n-dimensional vector spaces and linear transformations. Consequently, he garners recognition from many as the creator of Linear Algebra.


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Borges, J. S. G., Assis, A. M. de M., & Lima, M. D. de. (2024). The Historical Movement of the Contributions of Grassmann’s Extension Theory to Linear Algebra. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–26.
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