Logical-historical movement of the polyhedron concept: the process of elaboration and development of a didactic sequence in Middle School

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Wilson Francisco da Rocha Lima


This article approaches the process of teaching the concept of polyhedron the final years of elementary school.  In the materials available for teaching, the concept appears in situations that are enclosed within Geometry itself and can be solved mechanically. In this context, we used Didactic Engineering as a methodology to design and analyze the process of creating and developing a didactic sequence that considers the historical evolution of the concept, through its logical-historical movement, as well as the cognitive processes involved in learning geometric concepts. The aim is to offer mathematics teaching that promotes a broad understanding of this science. The logical-historical movement of the polyhedron concept helped us understand mathematics as a science developed by human beings and in constant transformation. The use of concrete materials allowed the manipulation and visualization of three-dimensional objects and facilitated the assimilation of the concept. The organization proposed by the methodology adopted was effective in achieving the stipulated objectives, but by segmenting the planning and experimentation phases of the activities, this approach leaves little room for unpredictability.


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Lima, W. F. da R. (2024). Logical-historical movement of the polyhedron concept: the process of elaboration and development of a didactic sequence in Middle School. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.14393/OBv8.e2024-34
DOSSIÊ II - Movimento lógico-histórico dos conceitos: formação de professores, ensino e pesquisas


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