Implications of analyzing the content of teaching in its logical-historical aspect for the definition of didactic actions

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Marta Sueli de Faria Sforni
Cleder Mariano Belieri
Carlos Roberto Beleti Júnior


This article discusses how the analysis of the logical-historical movement of the content to be taught instrumentalizes the teacher in defining teaching actions aimed at developing students' theoretical thinking. The manuscript is based on Dialectical Logic, Historical-Cultural Theory, and Developmental Teaching Theory. To understand the implications of this analysis in defining teaching actions, an exercise analyzing the content of changes in the physical state of water, from the Natural Sciences curriculum, is presented as an example. The analysis of the logical-historical movement allows identifying what is essential for understanding the conceptual system object of teaching, as well as recognizing the various objects and phenomena that can gain intelligibility through their appropriation. This analysis changes the way content and teaching methods are conceived.


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How to Cite
Sforni, M. S. de F., Belieri, C. M., & Beleti Júnior, C. R. (2024). Implications of analyzing the content of teaching in its logical-historical aspect for the definition of didactic actions. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–26.
DOSSIER - Logical-historical movement of concepts: fundamentals, teaching and research


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