The logical-historical movement in theses and dissertations: a content analysis

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Marisa da Silva Dias
Joice Caroline Fermino
Veridina Turcati


This article aims to present an exploratory investigation into the logical-historical movement in theses and dissertations. The adopted methodology is bibliographic in nature, supported by Content Analysis (CA), and encompasses both quantitative and qualitative treatments of the obtained results. The pre-analysis and material exploration phases result in 74 productions that discuss the logical-historical movement. The quantitative treatment stage organizes the data, considering the institution, the year of defense, the area of the postgraduate program, and the topic covered. The results reveal the composition of the data in 44 dissertations and 30 theses, 62 of which originate from public institutions. Of the 45 graduates from postgraduate education programs, 31 are involved in the logical-historical movement in mathematics teaching and learning. The predominant focus in Mathematics Education is on a qualitative analysis of the approach to the logical-historical movement, which originates from historical and dialectical materialism. The exploration of the 9 theses and 22 dissertations reveals that 8 research projects deal with algebra, 5 with geometry, 5 with measurements, 3 with numbers, 1 with statistics, and 1 with analysis. The others refer to teaching non-specific mathematical concepts at different levels of education and teacher training. The logical-historical movement's most frequent function is the historicized approach to the mathematical concepts listed, in search of origins, changes, and influences. The analysis of historiographies highlights the interaction between logical and historical aspects in the development of concepts, recognizing that one cannot separate logic from history to understand the process of knowledge. The contribution made by this research lies in the enrichment of teaching and learning mathematics, in the relationship with the development of theoretical thinking and human development.


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How to Cite
Dias, M. da S., Fermino, J. C., & Turcati, V. (2024). The logical-historical movement in theses and dissertations: a content analysis. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–17.
DOSSIER - Logical-historical movement of concepts: fundamentals, teaching and research


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