Ontological approach to the relationship between logical and historical on the knowledge process

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Iuri Kieslarck Spacek
Vidalcir Ortigara
Ademir Damazio


Relationship between logical and historical is subject of different research within the education scope in Brazil, especially in mathematics education. According to Spacek (2023), a considerable number of these studies have as reference the contributions by Kopnin (1978). This research has theoretical nature and aims at presenting an alternative interpretation of the relationship between historical and logical that adopts a historical-social ontology as a reference. Thereunto, mature work by Lukács (2010, 2012, 2013) is constituted as a reference and main source of research, because the author places the object as multilateral at the center of the knowledge process. This viewpoint leads to the need for interpretations that are not reduced to homogenizing plans, as is the case with logic.  Regarding the organization of teaching to the appropriation of theoretical thought, this interpretation contributes because it points to the need to specify the function of knowledge for the appropriation of reality, and its particularity as well. In turn, such aspects emerge from the analysis of this knowledge as historical production of humanity that has moments of permanence in change.


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How to Cite
Spacek, I. K., Ortigara, V., & Damazio, A. (2024). Ontological approach to the relationship between logical and historical on the knowledge process. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.14393/OBv8.e2024-17
DOSSIER - Logical-historical movement of concepts: fundamentals, teaching and research


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