The logical-historical movement of the concept of computational thinking

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Eloisa Rosotti Navarro Navarro
Maria do Carmo de Sousa
Emerson Rolkouski


This paper presents the logical-historical movement of the concept of computational thinking (CT) in mathematics education. The use of the term in mathematics education will be approached chronologically (historically) and logically. Based on this movement, the development of the concept of computational thinking for mathematics education will be explained, understanding that it is not just about programming languages or the use of computers (machines), but that the development of this thinking can contribute to the development of mathematical concepts related to algebraic thinking and algorithmic thinking.



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Navarro, E. R. N., Sousa, M. do C. de, & Rolkouski, E. (2024). The logical-historical movement of the concept of computational thinking. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–21.
DOSSIÊ - Movimento lógico-histórico dos conceitos: formação de professores, ensino e pesquisas


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