Study of temporal organization and stress in young Cuban teachers
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The limitations in the development of temporal organization can cause manifestations of stress that, if not attended to in a timely manner, can damage mental health. The article analyzes the characteristics of the temporal organization in three young teachers in elementary school education in the city of Holguin and they have symptoms of stress. The paradigm that guides the research is qualitative and the methodological strategy was based on the study of multiple cases. The following techniques were used to collect information: the everyday stress inventory, the pie, the composition and the semi-structured interview. The main results indicate that teachers spend their time mainly on word, family care and housework. They have never participated in trainings that promoted the development of the skill, therefore, they learned through their experience and/or through the influence of their families. They do not show a complete development of the organization of the time that allows them: the breaking of routines, the adequate conjugation of the important and the urgent, etc., for which they present symptoms of stress that compromise their mental health.
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