Contributions of learning activity to the development of authorship in students

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Érika Christina Kohle
Stela Miller


This article presents the results of a formative-didactic experiment carried out with children of the third, fourth and fifth years of elementary school, of a project for the recovery and reinforcement of a state school in a municipality in the state of São Paulo, in situation of creating written statements through learning activity, methodological path chosen to guide the pedagogical practice of the experiment. The development of this activity aimed at children to appropriate the personal dairy concept as a statement genre, through analysis, reflection and mental planning, developing, in this trajectory, in its still incipient form, theoretical thinking, creativity, autonomy in thinking and acting, resulting in their ability to produce their statements in an authorial way. The analyzes of the material generated during the experiment were carried out based on the references of the Historical-Cultural Theory and the Theory of Learning Activity that provided the basis for the understanding of the process of appropriation and objectification of theoretical concepts by children in their relations with the knowledge object and with social subjects in their environment, aiming at understanding how qualitative changes happen in their psyche. It concludes by affirming learning activity as a conducive path to the development of the authorship capacity in school students in the early years of Elementary School.


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How to Cite
Kohle, Érika C. ., & Miller, S. (2021). Contributions of learning activity to the development of authorship in students. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 5(3), 744–769.


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