Imagination and its development in the light of cultural-historical psychology

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Mariana Cristina da Silva
Juliana Campregher Pasqualini


Both in common sense and in some psychological and pedagogical theories, the assumption that the imagination of the child is richer and more developed than that of the adult is assumed. This article opposes the thesis of the natural blunting of the imagination in the course of the periodization of development, subjecting the phenomenon of imagination to the scientific analysis of historical-cultural orientation. The central objective is to demonstrate that the imagination is a psychic process that develops and becomes complex as grows the complexity of the activity of the person in the world. In order to elucidate the formative process of the imagination, we approach its specificity in relation to the other psychic functions; punctuate and analyze their active and passive expressions; and present imaginative techniques, in an effort to systematize the determinations and essential features of this psychic process decoded by Vygotsky (2014), Ignatiev (1960), Petrovski (1960), Repina (1974) and Rubinstein (1978). We conclude the article focusing pedagogical implications of the presented discussion.


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Silva, M. C. da ., & Pasqualini, J. C. . (2019). Imagination and its development in the light of cultural-historical psychology. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 3(3), 1–24.
Dossier: Historical-cultural periodization of human development


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