Theoretical and empirical thinking in an academic writing course in English: promoting a more active relationship with the foreign language

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Marília Mendes Ferreira


Education    has    not privileged    theoretical thinking, although it is possible to provide it in school  education,  according  to  the  tenets  of developmental   teaching.   In   this   article,   I analyze   the   development   of   the   theoretical thinking  of  a  student  (LA)  during  a  problem resolution   task      a   problem   as   part   of   an academic   writing   course   in   English.   The course  was  created  based  on  developmental teaching, which aimed to work on the abstract concept    of    language    (language ↔ social context)  manifested  in  genres.  The  analysis reveals  that  LA  shows  signs  of  theoretical thinking,   but   still   linked   to   an   empirical conception of the language. Rules are accepted without   questioning   and   disconnected   from their    origins. I    conclude    that    language teaching  does  not  favor  the  development  of theoretical thinking and, as a consequence, the users  have  less  agency  to  use  this  important tool which is constitutive of their cognition.


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Ferreira, M. M. (2018). Theoretical and empirical thinking in an academic writing course in English: promoting a more active relationship with the foreign language. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 2(2), 464–489.
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