Brazilian Savanna, green revolution and the evolution of pesticides consuption
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Conventional Agriculture

How to Cite

DUTRA, R. M. S.; SOUZA, M. M. O. de. Brazilian Savanna, green revolution and the evolution of pesticides consuption. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 3, p. 469–484, 2018. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v29n3-2017-8. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.


This article has as main objective to understand the production process of occupation in the areas of Cerrado in the post-1960 and printed social and environmental impacts from this development model, the state of Goias. For this, first make a general characterization of the Cerrado, considering their biological diversity and the degradation process suffered historically. Then we analyze the agricultural modernization process and its relationship to the process of social and environmental degradation of Goias Cerrado and finally, to understand the recent motion characteristics Agribusiness strengthening in the areas of Cerrado, highlighting the growth in use of pesticides, one of the bases of this process. Methodologically, text the construction is based on a detailed benchmark survey, from which we selected some authors who believe it is essential to support the understanding and analysis of the historical occupation of the Cerrado by modern agriculture. The results show, generally, the harmfulness of the model based on the parameters in agribusiness to the environment and to society in general. The increased use of pesticides, specifically, has caused irreversible environmental impacts to the Cerrado and its people.
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