An empirical analysis of the management model practiced in Protected Areas of Sustainable Use
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Participative management
Protected Area
Environmental perception

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SOARES, L. M. de O.; MIRANDA, G. E. C. de; MOURÃO, J. da S. An empirical analysis of the management model practiced in Protected Areas of Sustainable Use . Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 32, p. 472–483, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v32-2020-46299. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.


The success of Protected Areas (PA) depends on the type of governance practiced and the establishment of environmental management instruments. The management of CUs in Brazil is supposed to be participative and shared, but its execution is a challenge for environmental agencies. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper was to present the perception of the management councils about the management model practiced in the Area of Relevant Ecological Interest (ARIE, in Portuguese) “Manguezais da Foz do Rio Mamanguape/PB” and the Environmental Protection Area (APA, in Portuguese) of "Barra do Rio Mamanguape/PB”. Characterized as a qualitative research, the methodological instruments included participant observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. The investigation subjects were the representatives of the management council of the APA/ARIE. The results revealed a legally participative management, although the council is described as immature, without identity, messed up, and, occasionally, egocentric, because of the low representativeness and cohesion of the group. Among other factors that hinder the execution of a participative and shared management model in the PA, the analysis showed a low councilor’s participation in meetings and assemblies,  also a centralizing behavior of the ICMBIO (institution responsible for managing the protected area), as well as multiple interests and power relations that exist in the group.
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