Arte + ocupações = X




cultura de movimento social
centros sociais autonomes ocupados

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Arte + ocupações = X . (2022). Revista Estado Da Arte, 3(1), 345-383.
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Qual é o papel dos artistas e da arte nas ocupações? Este texto está aparado nas ideias de contracultura e "êxodo" em direção à autonomia, sendo influenciado pelo anarquismo e pela política de esquerda. Artistas não se sentem em casa no sistema capitalista. A subcultura reforça ações de resistência. Há múltiplas histórias de ocupações de natureza comunitária em países europeus. A arte nas ocupações é parte da cultura de movimento social. O texto detalha vários estudos de caso de artistas da cidade de Nova York no movimento de ocupações por lá e comenta sobre artistas no movimento de ocupações na Europa. Músicos, artistas de rua, cineastas, ativistas da mídia também estão envolvidos de forma central em ocupações. O conceito de "instituições monstruosas", a arte da prática social e a institucionalização de antigas ocupações são discutidos.



Banks, Abby, Punk House (Abrams, 2007), photos by Banks, introduction by Thurston Moore

Bey, Hakim, T.A.Z: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (Autonomedia, NY, 2003)

Blanchard, Luc, URL – “1985 - Le squatt de la rue des Caves,” (accessed Oct. ‘21).

Bloom, Brett, “A Magical Land of Roving Santa Claus Armies, Pirated Energy Drinks and a Giant Squatted Urban Village: Political Art Activities in Denmark,” in Josh MacPhee and Erik Reuland, eds.

Realizing the Impossible: Art Against Authority (AK Press, 2007)

Bolt, Mikkel, & Jakob Jakobsen, eds., Expect Anything Fear Nothing: The Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere (Nebula & Autonomedia, 2011)

Borja-Villel, Manuel, “Hacia una nueva institucionalidad,” in la revista Carta nº2, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2011; this number contains other articles on social centers

Bourriaud, Nicolas, Esthétique relationnelle (1998); Relational Aesthetics (2002)

Castrucci, Andrew ed., “Your House Is Mine” (Bullet Space, NY, 1991)

Castrucci, Andrew ed., “The Perfect Crime” exhibition catalogue 25th anniversary (Bullet Space, NY, 2010)

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective, Days of War, Nights of Love (2001).

de Andés, Ana Méndez, “There goes Ballesta street,” online at; from Keg de Souza and Zanny Begg, eds., There Goes the Neighbourhood: Redfern and the Politics of Urban Space (Melbourne, 2009), online at (accessed Oct. ‘21)

Democracia, “Sin Estado” project,

Durán, Gloria G. and Alan W. Moore, “La Tabacalera of Lavapiés: A Social Experiment or a Work of Art?”, Field: A Journal of Socially Engaged Art Criticism,, No. 2, 2015

Fairey, Shepard, “Street Art and Politics in Copenhagen,” 2011, at (accessed Oct. ‘21), and, Fairey's website

Ferrell, Jeff, Tearing Down the Streets (Palgrave/Macmillan/St. Martin’s, 2001)

Ferrell, Jeff, and Keith Hayward, eds., Cultural Criminology: Theories of Crime (Ashgate, 2011)

Frank, Thomas, The Conquest of Cool (University of Chicago, 1997

Goldbard, Arlene, New Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development (New Village Press, Oakland, CA, 2006)

Rachel Greene, Internet Art (Thames & Hudson World of Art, 2004)

Greenwald, Dara, “Tactical Tourist” (15:00; 2008); (accessed Oct. ‘21)

Greenwald, Dara & Josh MacPhee, eds., Signs of Change: Social Movement Cultures, 1960s to Now (Exit Art & AK Press, 2010)

Gross, Alex, The Untold Sixties: When Hope Was Born (2009)

Hamburger Abendblatt (no author), “Maler Daniel Richter kritisiert Hamburger Kulturpolitik scharf” in May 10, 2010; (log-in required, Oct. ‘21)

Hardt, Michael & Antonio Negri, Empire (2000)

Dick Hebdige, Subculture: The Meaning of Style (1979)

“House Magic” annual, 2009-2016; PDFs at, and (accessed Oct. ‘21)

Invisible Committee, “The Coming Insurrection” (in French as Comité invisible, “L’insurrection qui vient,” La Fabrique, 2007)

Kadir, Nazima, The Autonomous Life? Paradoxes of Hierarchy and Authority in the Squatters Movement in Amsterdam (Manchester University Press, 2016)

Kantor, Istvan, ed., Rivington School: New York 80s Underground (2016)

Kempton, Richard, Provo: Amsterdam's Anarchist Revolt (Autonomedia, 2007)

Kester, Grant H., Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art (University of California Press, 2004)

Klub Gromka collective & The AKC Metelkova mesto Forum, “Metelkova, Ljubljana: Cultural exception falls from grace,” Mute Magazine, June 2006; at (accessed Oct. ‘21); see also [Babic in Moore & Smart, 2015]

Kunstmann, Lazar, La Culture en clandestins. L'UX (Hazan, Paris, 2008)

Lackman, Jon, review of La Culture en clandestins. L’UX by “Lazar Kunstmann”, May 2009, at, 2009 (accessed Oct. ‘21)

La Générale, “Paris: with the Artists of La Générale en Manufacture on the Terrace,” interview in “House Magic” no. 3, 2011; online at (accessed Oct. ‘21)

Lewisohn, Cedar, Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution (Tate Modern, 2008)

Martinez, Daniel's website for the film “Dada Changed My Life” was at dada_changed_my_life_1391.html (demounted)

Maxigas, “Hacklabs and Squats: Engineering Counter-Culture in Autonomous Spaces,” in Moore & Smart, eds., Making Room (2015)

McKee, Yates, Strike Art: Contemporary Art and the Post-Occupy Condition (2017)

Miller, Timothy S., The 60s Communes: Hippies and Beyond (Syracuse University Press, NY,1999

Moore, Alan W., and Marc Miller, eds., ABC No Rio: Story of a Lower East Side Art Gallery (Collaborative Projects, NY, 1985). See also Miller’s website at:, which has most of the texts and images of the printed book.

Moore, A.W., with James Cornwell, “Local History: The Battle for Bohemia in the East Village” in Julie Ault, ed., Alternative Art New York, 1965-1985 (University of Minnesota Press, 2002)

Moore, A.W., “Political Economy as Subject and Form in Contemporary Art,” Review of Radical Political Economics (special issue on the political economy of art), Fall 2004, vol. 36, no. 4

Moore, A.W., “Crosstown Traffic: Soho, East Village and Downtown New York,” in Stefan Kalmár & Daniel Pies, eds., Be Nice Share Everything Have Fun (Munich Kunstverein, 2010)

Moore, A.W., Alan Smart, eds., Making Room: Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces (Journal of Aesthetics & Protest/Other Forms, 2015); PDF online at

Moore, A.W., Occupation Culture: Art, Squatting and the City from Below (Minor Compositions/Autonomedia, 2015)

Moore, A.W., “ABC No Rio as an Anarchist Space,” chapter in Tom Goyens, ed., Radical Gotham: Anarchism in New York City from Schwab's Saloon to Occupy Wall Street (University of Illinois Press, 2017)

Murger, Henri, Scènes de la vie de bohème (1851)

Needham, Alex, “Antony Gormley: don't criminalise squatting,” by Alex Needham, Guardian, January 31, 2011, at: (accessed Oct. ‘21)

Owens, Lynn, “From tourists to anti-tourists to tourist attraction: The transformation of a social movement.” Social Movement Studies 7(1), 2008

Owens, Linus, Ask Katzeff, Elisabeth Lorenzi, Baptiste Colin, “Home in the Movement: Constructing an Oppositional Identity through Activist Travel,” unpublished manuscript

Patterson, Clayton, Joe Flood, Alan Moore, Howard Seligman, editors, Resistance: A Social and Political History of the Lower East Side (Seven Stories Press, NY, 2007)

Proll, Astrid, Goodbye to London: Radical Art & Policis in the '70s (Hatje Cantz, 2010); essays also in German.

Pruijt, Hans, 2004, “Okupar en Europa”, in: Miguel Martínez Lopez and Ramón Adell (eds) ¿Dónde están las llaves? El movimiento okupa: prácticas y contextos sociales (Madrid, La Catarata, 2004)

Pruijt, H., “The Logic of Urban Squatting,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(1), 19-45, 2013. See; PDF at (accessed Oct. ‘21)

Rosler, Martha, “Culture Class: Art, Creativity, Urbanism” in three parts in E-Flux journal; part 1, “Art and Urbanism” in issue 21, December 2010; part 2, “Creativity and Its Discontents” in issue 23, March 2011; and part 3, in issue 25, May 2011; published as Culture Class (Sternberg Press, 2013)

Roszak, Theodore, The Making of A Counter Culture: Reflections on the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition (1969)

Schneider, Nathan, Thank You, Anarchy Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse (2013)

Shepard, Ben, ed., A Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space Opening – A Moment’s Catalog (Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, December 8, 2012)

Sholette, Gregory, and Chloë Bass, eds., Art as Social Action: An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Teaching Social Practice Art (Allworth Press, 2018)

SqEK (Squatting Everywhere Kollectiv), eds., Fighting for Spaces, Fighting for Our Lives: Squatting Movements Today (Edition Assemblage, Münster, DE, 2018)

Stahel, Thomas, Wo-Wo-Wonige! Stadt- und wohnpolitische Bewegungen in Zürich nach 1968 (Paranoia City-Verlag, Zürich, 2006)

Starecheski, Amy, Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City (2016)

Thompson, Nato, and Gregory Sholette, eds., The Interventionists: A Users' Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life (MIT, 2004)

Thörn, Håkan, Cathrin Wasshede and Tomas Nilson, eds., Christiania: Space for Urban Alternatives? 1971-2011 (University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2012)

Tobocman, Seth, War in the Neighborhood: A Graphic Novel (Autonomedia, NY, 1999)

Transversal, multilingual webjournal, “Monster Institutions” issue, 2008 at

Vilaseca, Stephen Luis, “The TriBall Case: 'Okupación Creativa ¡Ya!' vs. Okupa Hacktivismo” in Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Volume 14, 2010

Vilaseca, Stephen Luis, Barcelonan Okupas: Squatter Power! (Rowman & Littlefield, 2013)

Virno, Paolo, “Virtuosity and Revolution: The Political Theory of Exodus,” in Paolo Virno and Michael Hardt, eds., Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics (1996)

Waalwijk, Aja, “On Nomads and Festivals in Free Space,” House Magic #4 (Madrid, 2012)

Willener, Alfred, Action-Image of Society: On Cultural Politicization (1968)

“Zwarte kat,” 1994, anonymous video in the in the Staatsarchief, archive of the squatters' movement, International Institute of Social History; finding aid description at dvd.php#zwartekat (accessed Oct. ‘21)