This article aims to highlight some of the points of a network that was formed in the light of the 2013 uprisings in Brazil, addressing sexual and gender dissidence, as well as many of its direct actions of occupying the streets. These are understood here as aesthetic-political practices that gave rise to new forms of political contestation, acting as guerrilla tactics through performative-artistic manifestations in public spaces, occupation of institutional spaces and interventions on city walls. These actions were promoted by both artists and non-artists, including the pink blocs, Rafucko, Indianarae Siqueira and Kleper Reis. We started from the conceptions of aesthetic-politics of the 28 de Maio Collective (2017), the micropolitics of Guattari and Rolnik (2010), the counter-conduct of Foucault (2008) and the counter-sexuality of Preciado (2002), seeking to rescue fragments of systematically invisible histories, understanding these gestures of uprising as tactics for producing entangled subjectivities (Altmayer, 2020).
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