In the second half of the 20th century, many female artists began to dedicate themselves to three-dimensional art and obtained prominence in the cultural environment, being recognized by critics, institutions and art historians. From the 1960s onwards, the notion of sculpture began to be frayed; what was conceived as an autonomous object, opens up to its immediate surroundings, hybridizing with other languages and dialoguing with other fields of knowledge; the art research into form and "sculpted" or "modeled" matter gives way to poetic experiments towards the problematic of body and space, adding other materials and inventing new technical procedures. Although women have contributed significantly to this process of sculpting, gender issues are poorly debated in this artistic modality, when compared to painting. Seeking to contribute to this debate, the articles, interviews and visual essays gathered in this dossier deal with the work of female artists and their three-dimensional productions, as well as the ways in which gender dynamics affect the way of making art in the expanded horizon of sculpture.
AMARAL, Aracy. Escultura brasileira. In: AMARAL, Aracy. Arte e meio artístico: entre a feijoada e o x-burguer. 2. ed. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2013, p. 348-351.
BITTENCOURT, Francisco. O grande crescimento da escultura brasileira. In: LOPES, Fernanda; PREDEBON, Aristóteles A. (eds.). Arte-dinamite. Rio de Janeiro: Tamanduá Arte, 2016, p. 252-258.
FEDERICI, Silvia. O ponto zero da revolução: trabalho doméstico, reprodução e luta feminista. São Paulo: Elefante, 2019.
FRASER, Nancy; ARRUZZA, Cinzia; BHATTACHARYA, Tithi. Feminismo para os 99%. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2019.
KRAUSS, Rosalind. A escultura no campo ampliado [1979]. Arte & Ensaios, Rio de Janeiro, PPGAV-UFRJ, vol. 17, n. 17, 2008, 128-137. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/ae/article/view/52118. Acesso em 10 jun. 2023.
PONTUAL, Roberto. A escultura (e o objeto) no Brasil. In: MEDEIROS, Jacqueline e PUCU, Izabela (org.). Roberto Pontual: obra crítica. Rio de Janeiro: Beco do Azougue, 2013, p. 301-306.
UKELES, Mierle L. Manifesto pela arte da manutenção, 1969!. In: PEDROSA, Adriano; CARNEIRO, Amanda; MESQUITA, André (orgs.). História das mulheres, histórias feministas: antologia. v. 2. São Paulo: MASP, 2018, p. 46-50.
ZANINI, Walter. Tendências da Escultura Moderna. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1971.