Participatory mapping applied to the Family Health Strategy: the experience in Santo Amaro - BA - Brazil

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Isabel Cristina Moraes
Shanti Nitya Marengo
Gustavo Luís Schacht
Débora Santos Passos


The access to geolocation on smartphones and tablets has pointed to its potential use in the survey of georeferenced data and as a mapping method replicable by non-specialist users. The objective of this article is to present the experience of the participatory mapping on the action territories of the Family Health Strategy (ESF) teams in the municipality of Santo Amaro (BA) with GPS/GNSS (Global Positioning System / Global Navigation Satellite System) resources and Google Earth satellite image, in the Map Marker application. In this work, aspects of the perception and transcription of spatial elements in the process of digitalization and cartographic updating of these territories are presented. Workshops were held in the 17 Basic Health Units (UBS) in order to map the territories of operation – micro-areas – of the 104 Community Health Agents (CHA). In this work, it’s presented aspects of perception and transcription in the process of digitalization and cartographic updating. Of the 17 UBS, 10 had some cartographic product. These pre-existing products contributed to the spatial correspondence between the territory and the satellite images. The identification of the micro-areas was satisfactory, however, the biggest challenge was to vectorize the polygonal. Despite that, in each team there was at least one professional who stood out and was able to reproduce the methodology without a mediator. The use of geospatial technologies applied to health mapping proved to be viable for the study area, and reinforces the importance of training for the autonomy of social actors and the democratization of these resources in public health strategies. Obtaining these cartographic bases should support the spatialization of diseases registered in primary care as well as the municipality's health management.


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How to Cite
MORAES, I. C.; MARENGO, S. N. .; SCHACHT, G. L.; PASSOS, D. S. . Participatory mapping applied to the Family Health Strategy: the experience in Santo Amaro - BA - Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 73, n. 2, p. 646–665, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv73n2-56943. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Isabel Cristina Moraes, UFRB - Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Campus de Cruz das Almas - BA

Geógrafa, Doutora em Geografia, Docente na Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia - UFRB/Cruz das Almas, com ênfase em Geotecnologias e análise ambiental.

Shanti Nitya Marengo, UFRB - Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Campus de Cruz das Almas - BA

He has a Bachelor's Degree and a Degree in Geography from the State University of Campinas (2000-2005), plus a Master's Degree (2008-2010) and a PhD (2011-2015) in Geography from the Federal University of Bahia. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia. Has experience in the area of ​​Geography, with emphasis on Urban Geography, Regional Geography, Epistemology of Geography and Teaching of Geography. Currently works in Economic Geography and Environmental Geography, working on the following themes: place, territory, landscape, region, socio-environmental conflicts, environment, mining and small cities.

Gustavo Luís Schacht, UFRB - Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Campus de Cruz das Almas - BA

Adjunct Professor A at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia. PhD in Physical Geography from the University of São Paulo - USP, where he studied the Private Conservation Units (RPPN) of the state of Paraná and the Private Territorial Custody Reserves in Catalonia, Spain. Master in Geography from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista - Space Organization - Environmental Analysis) - Campus Rio Claro, acting in the proposal of a classification of a vegetation entrapment. Graduated in Geography (Bachelor and Degree) at UEM (State University of Maringá - Paraná) with emphasis on studies of Relictual Formations of Vegetation (Araucária), Paleovegetation and Areas of Ecological Tension. Has experience in Geosciences, with emphasis on Physical Geography, Biogeography and Environment.

Débora Santos Passos, UFRB - Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Campus de Cruz das Almas - BA

Undergraduate student at the Interdisciplinary Bachelor in Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia.