The problem of remote education in countryside education in the Covid-19 pandemic
Rural education, Remote Teaching, Social isolationAbstract
The objective was to investigate how the students of a State Countryside School have developed their activities in the context of Remote Education due to the pandemic of Covid-19, as well as their possibilities and limitations, given the problem of access to technological resources. The data were collected from the application of a questionnaire and analyzed in the light of the Textual Discursive Analysis. Fourteen students regularly enrolled in Elementary and High school participated in this research. The analysis of the data resulted in the establishment of three emerging categories: 1. Characteristics of the research participants; 2. Understanding of Remote Education; and 3. Future expectations in post-pandemic education. Even having access to some technological tools, students do not have access to the internet, which makes Remote Teaching activities difficult. The importance of the teacher's physical presence in the classroom was emphasized, including focusing on his interaction with students and between students in the school environment.
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