Documenting the experienced learning from teaching in/by relationship with students
Experiential learning, Teaching, Narrative documentation, Pedagogical ExperiencesAbstract
The experience report emerges from a practice developed in the teaching of Portuguese in Basic Education. It is an experience with conjunctions teaching developed at a regular night school in the city of São Paulo. The methodology is based on the epistemological bases of the Narrative Documentation of Pedagogical Experiences, proposed by Suárez (2007). The device was narrative writing, produced in the first person through which the practice is both reported and reflected, generating an understanding of the production of experiential knowledge. The work made it possible to conclude that the experiential learning of teaching emerges from the relationships that the teacher and the students produce in the tension of the teaching that they weave in the school routine. Documenting the experience provided the reflexivity of the practice, consecrating it as an experiential knowledge that legitimizes the teacher’s learning that is woven into the events and the students’ learning needs.
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