The transversality of gender and sexuality diversity in health education
a report about an extension project
Health education, Gender, Sexuality, Teenager, VulnerabilityAbstract
This report starts from the experiences of Health Project, developed in 2019 with High School groups, by the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Campus Osório. The purpose of the project was to conduct activities related to Health Education; and to connect the school, and the Department of Health in order to develop actions for the demands from the school context. The project considered the health promotion based on gender and sexuality, and the reality of the adolescents. The methodology focused on workshops, promoting the students’ protagonism as social transformation agents. It enabled the connection between the Department of Health and Institute; it developed the student’s empowerment to recognize their vulnerabilities in order to protect themselves, and confront it; and creates a base for future projects related to health education. Some difficulties had occurred during the project execution, such as the execution schedule, human resources, and the evaluation. The project was relevant because it presented health associated with gender and sexuality; it discussed the students’ experiences and revealed the importance of the association between health departments and schools in the promotion of the work in health education with teenagers.
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