The Pedagogy of Autonomy and the teaching of Mathematics
Taxes, Teaching, Mathematics, Paulo Freire, Educational practiceAbstract
Because it is common to hear negative comments related to mathematics, it is essential to search for teaching and learning processes that give meaning to curricular mathematical content, in order to change these judgments and provide learners with more taste for this discipline. In this respect, the knowledge about the knowledge necessary for the educational practice of Paulo Freire’s book Pedagogy of Autonomy contributes to a more humanized thinking, in the case of mathematics, that is, in a contextualized mathematics within the reality lived by the students. This text aims to present an experience report of a mathematical activity, using the theory of this thinker with students of the 5th grade of Elementary School, from a municipal school in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. Its theme involved the calculation of taxes embedded in a supermarket purchase and the methodology used followed the precepts of action research. This work was very relevant because it presents an understanding that it is very important to link the curricular mathematical contents with the reality of the student and to problematize these contents in their social, political and economic relations, and thus develop the critical awareness of those involved about your presence in the world.
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